
155: The Future Wears a Schoolgirl Outfit

June 29, 2016 10:07 pm Published by
Would you go to a concert performed by a hologram? We’ve seen 2-Pac and Michael Jackson, but The J-Pop sensation Hatsune Miku is a whole different phenomenon! Stay tuned for the return of Tech Time, and Ken has a REALLY long rant about why people not recognizing Superman as Clark Kent isn’t that much of… View Article

154: Make America Hydra Again

June 10, 2016 4:40 pm Published by
Captain America is, and always has been, HYDRA… So why are his fans the ones being diabolical? However you slice it, fans feel ownership of characters they love, and does that iconography trump publicity stunts? We dig DEEP to find what’s at the root of Steve Rogers’ real betrayal. Also, we honestly don’t care who’s… View Article