
202: Parental Guidance Suggested

June 19, 2018 5:28 pm Published by
What movies scared the hell out of you when you were a kid? When were you old enough to see “grown-up movies?” Were kids’ movies INSANELY dark thirty years ago? And what kids’ movie is Matt convinced had Ernest Borgnine in it?

201: Non-Traditionally Nerdy

June 16, 2018 3:17 pm Published by
Some TV shows, from the 70s through, well- now, haven’t aged as well as others. And then there’s Battlestar Galactica (both of them)! Also, Matt finally saw Solo.

200: Tell Your Friends How Long We Last

June 4, 2018 10:53 pm Published by
We pay off all your FSS slashfic, and finally reveal which cast member does puzzles naked. Our deep thought: is the sci-fi concept of a one-world government even feasible? And if it was, would it be a good or bad thing? Thanks for 200 amazing episodes!